Why Engage an Expert Witness?
An Expert Witness is one who renders technical opinions to help the Tribunal have a better perspective while making arbitration awards. When technical matters are presented by an experienced witness, an expert witness testimony can go a long way toward educating and enlightening the tribunal on a particular subject. Providing this type of information assists the Tribunal towards drawing up the just award.

Captain Menezes has experience in 一
- Providing expert witness services to various government bodies and the marine industry
- At giving depositions in court
- In marine and commercial matters
He has acted as a subject matter expert in an LMAA Arbitration on Charter Party, 2011 and technical expert witness in an Arbitration relating to a Port Terminal Claim-Ahmedabad, 2018. Additionally, he has been a subject matter witness in handling demurrage claim arbitration at the SCMA Singapore, 2020.