Publications MARINE DEBRIS/LITTER, CONFLICTS CHALLENGES<br /> AND MARITIME LAWS Marine Debris/Litter, Conflicts Challenges And Maritime Laws– 10 November 2023 GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN-MAJOR STAKE HOLDERS-converted Impact of passage planning on seaworthiness and carriage of goods – 08 APRIL 2022 Suez Canal Deck Marine debris/marine litter-challenges, conflict and alternate dipute resolution22 SEPT. 2022 IMU -ICS- OVERVIEW OF TRADE,SHIPPING AND PORTS-22-1-2021-converted India ports conference mumbai 2023- investing in human capital to drive digitalization in the port and maritime sector panelist11/12 MAY 2023 GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN-MAJOR STAKE HOLDERS-converted ‘Global supply chain – major stakeholders, trends in international trade, role of seafarers’, 2021 Suez Canal Deck ‘Suez canal blockage and impact on international trade’ –ics/ni joint programme-Chennai, 2021 IMU -ICS- OVERVIEW OF TRADE,SHIPPING AND PORTS-22-1-2021-converted ‘Overview of trade, shipping and ports’- ics/imu joint programme-Chennai, 2021 CONTAINER FIRES, RESTRICTING LOSSES, LOSS PREVENTION WITH CASE STUDIES--31 JAN. 2020 ‘Container fires, restricting losses loss prevention with case studies’- New Delhi 2020 Understanding Professional Qualifying Examination of ICS-15-2-2020 ‘Understanding professional qualifying examination (pqe) of ics’ – Tuticorin, 2020 LINKING MARITIME EDUCATION TO INTL TRADE-11-12-2020-converted ‘Linking maritime education to international trade’ – ICS, Chennai, 2020 Role of Maritime Evidence in Dispute and Claims ‘Role of maritime evidence -in disputes and claims’ – New Delhi, 2018 ICMA-XX-Presentation copenhagen - Carriage of Grain Cargo and Fumigation ICMA XX –’Carriage of grain cargo and fumigation –technical and legal issues in arbitration’, copenhagen, 2017 PRACTICAL LESSONS FROM ORE, GRAIN AND COAL CARGO CLAIMS ‘Practical lessons from ore, grain and coal cargo claims’– Kolkota-2016 Marine Spatial Planning ‘Marine spatial planning (msp) and management of oceans and seas (mos) – conflicts and adr’– ICMA XIX-Hongkong, 2015 LOSS PREVENTION AND CARGO GEAR MAINTENANCE ‘Loss prevention and cargo gear maintenance’–kolkota, 2015 CONFERENCE ON MARITIME LAW 10 MARCH 2015- ‘Conference on maritime law – an insight into maritime frauds’ – mumbai, 2015 ADMINISTRATION INVESTIGATION TO A CTL AND THE SCR EXPERIENCE OF A SALVAGE-converted ‘Role of administration to a ctl casualty investigation and scr experience of a salvage’ – Chennai, 2014 Fumigation - CMMI-converted (1) ‘Fumigation on board ships with case studies’- CMMI, Mumbai, 2010 ICMA XVII - Liquefaction of Iron ore fines-converted ICMA XVII – ‘Liquefaction of iron ore fines with case studies” – Hamburg, 2009